e-Business Solutions

As we move towards a truly cashless economy, everything
is going electronic. Our bouquet of e-Business solutions
provides everything a modern business requires to thrive
and stay competitive.

Collection Solutions

Accepting card payments at a high street location or on the go, collecting subscription payments nationwide, or making the transition from local business to global player, we can provide different electronic ways to keep the cash registers ringing no matter how your customers choose to pay.

Accept card payments directly into your account at your business location or on the go with our Point of Sale terminals. No matter what payment cards your customers carry, our Point of Sale terminals have the capability to accept all cards available in the Nigerian market i.e. MasterCard, Visa and Verve, irrespective of the issuing bank.


Payment Solutions

Easily move funds to the bank around the corner or halfway around the world with our electronic payment solutions from the comfort of your home, office or on the go.

This is our fully secure online real time electronic banking system, providing you convenient access to your accounts over the Internet and enabling you perform a wide variety of financial transactions from your office, home or on the go.

Reporting Solutions

Be the first to know when transactions occur on your account with our suite of personal and enterprise-level reporting solutions.

Stay abreast of happenings on your account with this portal which displays your deposit and withdrawal transactions as they happen. Available over the internet, you can access it from your office, home or on the go and you can view transactions happening presently or go into the archives to unearth transactions from months past and download in Excel, CSV and XML formats. There is no better way to know your financial position at every point in time.